You are right in saying that they are fundamentally different.
Many people (mainly left people) say that we should not make a difference between the religions, we all have freedom of religion!
there is a very, very big problem in that reasoning.
a fundamental and extremely important part of freedom of religion is the freedom to change your religion. When not all religions act the same on this principle, then we should not say they are equal and deserve the same status.
for instance, all mainstream christian denominations accept and respect when somebody leaves or change faith
JW's I see them as somewhat in the middle, they accept it but do not respect it in my eyes (because of shunning etc).
islam is not accepting it and not respecting it if somebody leaves the faith
so NO the religions are not equal
when i debate this with pro-muslims at university, they say that what I say is discrimination to the muslims.
in fact, it is not. The left people are the ones accepting islam and the fact that islam takes some rights from muslims away
i think the individual rights are superior than the rights we give to religions
if we choose to give muslims the opportunity to have the same freedom as we have, which they 100% deserve, then we MUST take a stance against islam
if a religion does not accept certain rights for individuals, the religion must change. But Islam will not change, so we will have to treat that religion differently than religions that DO respect ALL the FREEDOM rights that EVERY individual has, every muslim, every christian, everybody.
i am against islam, but in no single way against muslims, they are victims of this oppressing religion and should be helped whenever possible